Graviola Juice 100% puree

Graviola Juice 100% puree

Pris : 32,34 €

5 Anmeldelser

Health from nature's 'pharmacy' It is a 100% pure juice/puree made from fresh and ripe Graviola fruits - with no added water, preservatives, or any other substance. Graviola is used to fight against severe infections, as an immune system booster, natural antibiotic, antiparasitic, antifungal, and superior anti-tumor agent.


Improves quality of life
100% pure juice/puree made from fresh and ripe Graviola fruits - with no added water, preservatives, or any other substance.
Originating from the Amazon rainforests, Graviola fruits (Annona Muricata, Guanabana) are known worldwide for their revolutionary, curative, and regenerative qualities for the entire human body. The fruits are harvested by hand, peeled, and the seeds are removed. By crushing and mixing, a paste is obtained, which is then pasteurized and bottled aseptically.

Graviola is used to fight against severe infections, as an immune system booster, natural antibiotic, antiparasitic, antifungal, and superior anti-tumor agent.
Preventive consumption of this fruit can prevent the appearance of tumors, deworm and detoxify the body, support and improve the immune system. Graviola attenuates and ameliorates the adverse effects of chemo and radiotherapy, so we can say that it improves the general condition of those suffering from serious diseases.

Bioactive substances: The most important active ingredients in Graviola are Annonaceous Acetogenins, which are found only in the Annonaceae plant family.
Graviola has over 80 different Acetogenins (in 10 distinct types) that provide strong support in chemotherapy. You can find numerous studies, effects, and results following the consumption of graviola on the internet.
The mechanism of action of the bioactive substances in graviola is achieved by blocking the production of ATP (adenosine triphosphate) in tumor cells, thus reducing the cell's voltage and ultimately leading to apoptosis (death of these cells).
More simply put, these atypical cells are disconnected from the energy source, can no longer feed themselves, and have no way to survive.

- inhibits hepatitis B virus and liver cancer;
- inhibits the growth of tumor cells;
- cytostatic activity on cancer cells;
- antibacterial activity;
- antiviral activity with effect on Herpes simplex;
- antidepressant activity;
- antiparasitic activity;
- calms pain;
- anti-malarial activity;
- antibacterial;
- anthelmintic;
- anticonvulsant;
- antidepressant;
- antifungal;
- cardiac depressant;
- cytotoxic;
- febrifuge;
- hypotensive;
- digestive stimulant;
- vasodilator;
- vermifuge.



Recommended use

How much do we consume?

From 20 to 30 ml, two or three times a day, after meals or as directed by your healthcare provider.

How do we consume it?

Graviola can be consumed as is or in a diluted form, with water, tea, or an unsweetened natural fruit juice such as pineapple juice, with which it combines very well.

For how long?

Once you open the bottle, keep it in the refrigerator and consume it preferably within a maximum of 7 days. Storage: in a dark and cool place, recommended temperature <18°C



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  • Serban Bogdan - Nicusor
    25 maj, 2015

    Dna. Iulia – 40 ani, programata pentru interventie chirugicala pentru noduli la sani de diferite dimensiuni, in urma administrarii a doua sticle de Graviola, nodulii s-au diminuat iar dna. doctor care o avea in monitorizare i-a comunicat ca nu mai este nevoie de operatie.

  • Serban Bogdan - Nicusor
    25 maj, 2015

    Dl. Mihai Garciu – diagnosticat cu formatiune tumorala pe pancreas, cu dimensiunile tumorii inainte de administrarea sucului – piure Graviola de 92/48cm, cu o stare generala de sanatate foarte proasta, ca urmare a unei interventii chirurgicale, recomandandu-i-se chimioterapie de sinteza, a ales sa urmeze o terapie naturala cu sucul-piure Graviola, concomitent cu terapiile cu aparatul de biofeedback Indigo, timp de 6 luni de zile, a refuzat citostaticele, iar rezultatele au inceput sa se vada: rezultatele CT scan-ului arata ca dimensiunile tumorii s-au diminuat ajungand la 65/61cm, starea generala de sanatate este foarte buna, acum este o persoana dinamica, cu multa energie si putere de munca.

  • Serban Bogdan - Nicusor
    25 maj, 2015

    Dl. Dumitrica Mihail – 63 ani- , ne face cunoscute urmatoarele rezultate obtinute in timpul administrarii remediului Graviola: la patra sticla de Graviola consumata, d-nul a eliminat placa mucoidala si un papilom de marimea unei alune care era in evolutie de cativa ani, trezindu-se dimineata cu el dezlipit.

  • Serban Bogdan - Nicusor
    25 maj, 2015

    Dna.Cristina – 41 ani, cu probleme genitale(multiple chisturi), ne povesteste ca in timpul administrarii sucului-piure Graviola a inceput eliminarea acestor chisturi si nu a mai fost nevoie de interventie chirurgicala.

  • Radu Maria
    08 januar, 2016

    Bună ziua si LA MULŢI ANI ,va rugăm sa alimentaţi stocul sa punem comanda

  • Herban Mihaela
    22 januar, 2021

    Un adjuvant extraordinar în afecțiunile oncologice și nu numai. Recomand cu încredere și sper să fie văzut de cât mai multe persoane. Mulțumesc.

  • Micu Jana
    12 oktober, 2022

    Graviola ,este suc 100% natural obtinut prin presare la rece din fructe proaspete si bine coapte. Este imbuteliat in sticla de sticla fara vreun adaos de alte fructe sau alti stabilizatori. Avand o gastrita ,pot spune ca acest suc m-a ajutat sa imi echilibrez ph-ul intestinal ajutandu-ma sa sm o buna digestie. Avand o tensiune arteriala oscilanta,cu acest suc am reusit sa o echilibrez . M-a ajutat sa am o imunitate ridicata ,mi-am imbunatatit somnul si mai pot spune ca acest suc inhiba cresterea celulelor canceroase ,ajuta la resorbtia chisturilor si poate sa amelioreze efectele nocive ale chimioterapie si a radioterapiei . Recomand cu toata increderea acest suc sa se consume preventiv si sa nu asteptam sa ne imbolnavim.❤❤❤

  • Vargatu Liliana
    20 september, 2022

    Are o bogata cazuistica, de 8 ani ,consum recomand și sunt maxim încântată de rezultate fabuloase in echipa și comunitatea mea !

  • Andreias Simona - Elena
    02 marts, 2021

    Recomand cu drag GRAVIOLA, este un suc natural, certificat organic, BIO. Bunica mea cu cancer la pancreas a fost salvata cu acest produs minune, sunt mulțumită de produsele companiei Blue Diamond și le recomand cu încredere!

  • Novacescu Traian
    12 september, 2022

    Supliment cu rezultate oncologice foarte bune si in alte boli.

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