Aloe Ferox Organic Juice 100% pure

Aloe Ferox Organic Juice 100% pure

Cijena : 41,59 €

5 Recenzije

100% pure and freshly pressed cold juice of high quality Aloe Ferox, unlike a lot of Aloe Vera juices on the market that are a concentrated aloe powder with added water. Only certified organic Aloe Ferox plant leaves are used so that we have an organic warranty until the bottling of the juice, controlled by Eco Certisys BE-BIO-01.


Informacije o proizvodu

For centuries, the juice of aloe plants is used for its unique properties of calming, healing and regeneration. Most of the beneficial properties of Aloe juice were rediscovered in the early 21st century in Europe. There are over 300 species of aloe in Africa. Among the most beneficial for the human body is Aloe Ferox. Unlike Aloe Vera who is generally grown on farms, Aloe Ferox grows wildly in its natural habitat without fertilisation factors, pesticides or fungicides. This habitat is maintained and certified organic.

Juice Organic de Aloe Ferox

Aloe Ferox leaves shall be harvested manually once every 18-24 months, after which they shall be pressed in a circle around a shallow drainage area, so that bitter juice (containing aloin, with a laxative effect) may leak, after which they are subjected to the traditional manufacturing process of pure 100% juicey, without preservatives, with only natural citric acid as an additive to regulate phul, without other additions.

Pure Juicel 100% contains valuable amino acids, proteins, enzymes, vitamins such as natural vitamin E and a wide variety of minerals and trace elements. Aloe ferox is highly appreciated due to its high calcium and amino acid content. In this respect, it far exceeds the Aloe vera and other aloe species used for gel and their juice. Gel polysaccharides (long chain sugars) present in the Aloe Ferox juicet have a calming and healing effect on the membranes that cover the digestive tract and bring relief in case of heartburn and stomach pain, indigestion and intestinal disorders. The habit of consuming Aloe ferox will also boost the immune system.

The production process guarantees a 100% pure and fresh juice of high quality Aloe Ferox, unlike a lot of Aloe Vera juices on the market that are a concentrated aloe powder with added water. Only certified organic Aloe Ferox plant leaves are used so that we have an organic guarantee until the juice bottling, controlled by Certisys BE-BIO-01.

Recommendations for use:

Consumption of 50 ml to 150 ml per day is recommended, pure or mixed with fruit juice approximately 30 minutes before breakfast.

Storage conditions:

Keep it in a dark and cool place. Once opened, keep it refrigerated and consume within 1 month.





  • It's cultivated on plantations.
  • It grows wildly in its natural habitat.
  • The leaves are piled and only the inside gel is used. Aloin is extracted by technical-chemical processes.
  • Aloe vera is also often dried by a process of spraying or technical freezing resulting in a dust that is diluted with water to obtain an aloe juice.
  • An extremely simple production process: small leaves are cut by hand and placed on a funnel, so that the bitter juice containing the aloin flows away and once the bitter juice has completely leaked, the leaves are cut, washed and pressed.
  • So it's whole leaf juice.
  • Our Aloe ferox juice contains several vitamins, minerals, trace elements and other active compounds, growing wildly in its natural habitat. Moreover, Aloe Ferox contains more calcium and amino acids than any other species of Aloe Vera.


Aloe ferox juice:

  • Juice 100% pure, organically of the highest quality, from wild-bred aloe in its own habitat.
  • Juices 100% pure of the whole leaf (excluding water, sweeteners, dyes or flavourings)
  • direct juice, not powder or concentrate.
  • traditional African product imported directly from the manufacturer.
  • instantaneous pasteurised without preservatives - with organic certification: an organic certified European procedure is guaranteed from leaf harvesting to bottling of juice.

Control body:

Eco Certisys BE-BIO-01.



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  • Tolvai Rodica
    25 siječanj, 2023

    Acest produs minunat pot să spun cu toată încrederea că a scăpat-o pe nepotica mea de constipație și este recomandat ptr foarte multe boli Recomandat cu încredere

  • Cutean Iuliana - Daniela
    26 siječanj, 2023

    Aloe este un produs complet pt. detoxifiere și sistem digestiv! Îl folosesc membrii familiei mele și Îl recomand și pacienților mei!

  • Reziliat !
    25 srpanj, 2022

    Cel mai pur suc de aloe vera existent pe piata

  • Vrancianu Carolina Mariana
    25 siječanj, 2023


  • Igna Rodica - Elvira
    27 veljača, 2023

    Un produs deosebit, pt vigoarea pe care o da celor ce îl consumă, pt carenta de fier, persoanelor bolnave sau pt perioada de comvalescenta.

  • Miron Nadejda
    21 lipanj, 2023

    Un suc exstrairdinar de bun.Folosim in famikie ca o bautura recoritoare vara,si iarna calduta.Am scapat de multe lucruri,care imi faceau discomfort.Multumesc Blue Diamond,pentru produsul foarte bun si cu multe beneficii.Aloe Ferox,unic produs pe piață in Republica Moldova.Recomand cu incredere!

  • Micu Jana
    12 listopad, 2022

    Aloe Ferox ,este Aloea Salbatica ceea ce inseamna ca creste in habitatul ei natural,nu este plantata si ingrijita de catre om. Acest minunat suc m-a ajutat la detoxifierea si reglarea digestiei,mi-a crescut imunitatea, mi-a reglat constipatia, mi-a reglat automat tensiunea arteriala si totodata mi-a reglat functia ficatului si a bilei. Doresc sa specific ca acest suc este obtinut prin recoltarea frunzelor manual , sucul este pasteurizat instant si este imbuteliat in recipient din sticla de sticla ! Va recomand cu toata increderea!❤

  • Mira Ionel
    26 lipanj, 2023

    Un produs excelent pentru tot tubul digestiv. Recomand cu căldură!

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