Contains 350 mg of vitamin C from calcium ascorbate and 200 mg of natural vitamin C from butcher (Rosa Canina) and 100 mg of natural vitamin C from Acerola Calcium ascorbate is the alkaline form of vitamin C, which alkalinises the body and fluids in the body Participate in neutralising free radicals and amplify immune reactions
Calcium ascorbate is the alkaline form of vitamin C which, in addition to the much needed intake of vitamin C, alkalinises the body and fluids in the body. In addition to these qualities, calcium also contains such a necessary mineral for the human body. 1 gram of calcium ascorbate provides 114 mg of calcium.
By the age of 22, a healthy organism is alkaline. After this age the body becomes increasingly acidic. To prevent illness the body must be alkaline, so we must help it with everything we consume to maintain its alkalinity.
The acid environment in the body promotes the emergence of chronic diseases, allergies, formation and enlargement of tumours. Experts argue that normal cells are destroyed in an acidic environment, while neoplastic cells develop perfectly in such an environment.
An alkaline organism reduces the risk of inflammation.
Calcium ascorbate has fewer gastric side effects compared to classic vitamin C (ascorbic acid) and is much better tolerated by people sensitive to acid food. Ascorbic acid is an acidic hydrosoluble vitamin. Because of this acidity, when a larger or longer amount of time is needed, it can cause stomach upset in the sensitive, increased acidity in the mouth that facilitates dental caries.
Vitamin C is involved in the metabolism of glucose, collagen and folic acid. Her absence can lead to serious illness, like scurvy. Vitamin C participates in neutralising free radicals, amplifies immune reactions and helps to absorb iron in the digestive tube. It is necessary for the synthesis of dopamine, noradrenaline and adrenaline.
Effects and benefits:
- is alkaline - alkalinises the body
- increase body immunity
- brings the organism and a calcium intake - calcium retains vitamin C more in cells, increasing the duration and efficiency of the action
- is a strong antioxidant
- has anti-infectious properties
- accelerates healing and increases body tone
- contributes to the training and maintenance of the health of teeth and bones
- has antiallergic effects with or antihistamine
- ensures good functioning of liver cells
- increases skin and capillaries elasticity
- many doctors recommend her to those with serious diseases (cancer...)
- beneficial effects for those who have varicose veins, tonize blood vessels and play their elasticity
- decreases the incidence of thrombus
- does not cause stomach acidity - much better tolerated by people sensitive to acid food
Method of administration: 2 tablets a day, morning and evening, after a meal with a glass of water.
Keep away from heat, light and moisture. Keep out of the reach and sight of children.
Este produsul pe care îl consumăm cel mai mult de la Blue Diamond. Pot spune că nu ne lipsește din casă. Recomand tuturor.
Singura vit c alcalina de pe piata care ne tine in balanta aciditatea si alcalinitatea din organism.
Sunt foarte încântat de aceste vitamine. Mereu aveam probleme cu imunitatea scăzută, dar acum, datorită acestor vitamine nu mai am probleme cu răceala.
Cel mai bun dintre toate, nu mai avem probleme cu raceala, nu mai avem acid recomand cu incredere !!
Este un produs unic care teajută la imunitatea organismului și poți să previ și viruși plus este recomandat pentru persoanele care au acid la stomac de la noi nu lipsește din casă Recomandat cu tot dragu
Iubesc acest produs mi-a ajutat nepotei in situații de urgenta produs unic alcalin care poate fi consumat de toata lumea il recomand cu drag👏👏👏
5 stele + merita Vitamina C alcalina!!! Imunitatea corpului trebuie sustinuta si mai ales cu Vit C , eu am simtit beneficiile si o consum in fiecare zi pentru ca din alimente nu asimilez. Vant in panze si o stare de bine dar daca uit sa o iau, imi dau seama ca se termina energia mult prea repede :) Recomand , este minunata si eficienta!
Košarica je prazna
17 siječanj, 2021
10 💥, alcalina cum o numim în casă 🌝, tine gripa la distanta, nu mai am aciditate la stomac ea și Kombucell și au făcut treabă perfect! Întărește mușchiul inimii, este bogata in beneficii, va îndemn la consum, este în trusa de prim ajutor în casă și oriunde merg !