PROIMUN - food supplement to strengthen immunity

PROIMUN - food supplement to strengthen immunity

Cijena : 22,81 €

5 Recenzije

Food supplement to strengthen immunity Contains a cocktail of extremely effective active ingredients in health stabilisation Special formula with anti-inflammatory properties

Informacije o proizvodu

PROJECT IS A revolutionary product with a mix of 7 highly effective active ingredients in stabilizing health and strengthening immunity.

Bovine colostrumThat is, the milk of the early birthdays contains a large amount of immunoglobulins, antibacterial compounds, many proteins that strengthen the immune system in a natural way. Practically supports the health and good functioning of muscles, ligaments and bones. It increases the body's energy, the ability to recover in the event of an attack by external viruses. It increases immunity, not allowing the activation of infections in the body. It increases physical performance. It is fermented in chemir because it contains proteins and vitamins A, D or B, being also a source of calcium, iodine, iron and magnesium. We can say that this colostrum is ennobled in the fermentation of the kephir and thus maximizes the power of body immunization.

Echinacea has the defined purpose of activating portions of the immune system. It's basically a shield that fights cold, flu, but also respiratory tract infections (one of humanity's current problems). It is also an adjuvant in treating liver diseases, but also prevents such infections. It can combat urinary tract infections. Very effective in fighting herpes and other viral problems. Echinacea has the effect of aging, being also a powerful antioxidant. Increased sports resistance if consumed regularly.

Claw is a plant used in Peru for over 2000 years in various remedies. It is part of the composition in many recipes of food supplements. It has anti-inflammatory effects, reducing inflammation, thereby protecting the joints, while strengthening the bone. Recommended in breast and lung cancer, helps reduce areas affected by tumors, not allowing their development, all due to antioxidant properties. Contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, but also antiinfective and antimicrobial substances. A perfect choice to protect and strengthen the immune system.

Acerola fruit extract, the fruit with the highest concentration of vitamin C in the world is very powerful in fighting flu viruses. It has strong antiaging effects, due to the large amount of antioxidants, but also to active substances that prevent the onset of conditions that can cause premature aging. Vitamin C from the acerola stimulates the production of white blood cells that protect us from viruses and bacteria. Including a significant amount of vitamin B, it helps in the metabolic processes. It slows the release of gluosis into the blood and thus prevents the onset of diabetes. Indispensable in creating a supplement whose purpose is to strengthen immunity.

Chamomile flower, a plant with miraculous video properties, treats the wounds and accelerates their closure. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-spasmodic properties, it relaxes muscles. It's a plant that fights bacteria if consumed regularly. Good in sleep disorders, beneficial against migraines and headaches.

Mint - strong smelling medicinal plant with antispastic and antiseptic properties. A good angelic, but also decongestant in respiratory distress. It calms the irritation, and inhaled helps treat the cold and flu. Helps to improve even the disappearance of headaches - an indispensable product to strengthen immunity.

Eucalyptus It is found in many herbal remedies even in drugs. Treat respiratory diseases (a topical problem), bronsit cough, flu, cold, sinusitis. It calms the inflammation, it's an antimicrobial, but also vermifuge.

Vitamin D3 It's called the sun's vitamin! Helps to fix calcium and phosphorus in the body, which stimulates a healthy and strong bone system. Helps prevent various diseases caused by the lack of this vitamin. It strengthens the immune system, helping to prevent the infection of sclerosis, thyritis or Hashimoto syndrome. An inevitable product to strengthen the immune system.


Method of administration:

1 capsule twice daily before main meals of the day.


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  • Herban Mihaela
    22 siječanj, 2021

    Proimun este exact produsul de care avem nevoie în aceasta perioadă. Recomand atât pentru tratarea răcelilor, gripei cât mai ales pentru prevenție, întărirea imunității.

  • Vargatu Liliana
    17 siječanj, 2021

    Eu i as da 10 💥 💥💥,cel mai bun produs pentru imunutateD3, mușchi,ligamente și osatură!

  • Micu Jana
    21 siječanj, 2021

    Este produsul care chiar mi-a fost foarte bun pentru a-mi intari imunitatea,in perioada critica prin care am trecut.

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