Blue Prostafix Forte

Blue Prostafix Forte

Cijena : 24,66 €

5 Recenzije

Contributes to the release of urinals Improves prostate function, and helps eliminate false feeling of urination Improve visibly sexual life by eliminating discomfort and improving sexual functions

Informacije o proizvodu

Ideal and Natural Solution FOR RESOLVING PROBLEMS!

Behind the scenes of prostate disease most often there are testosterone levels in the blood, untreated or poorly treated urinary tract infections, sexually transmitted diseases, unhealthy and unbalanced diet, sedentary life, and systematic alcohol consumption, or smoking. Prevention helps us most against prostatic problems, we must strive to have a healthy diet by consuming many vegetables and fruits, by introducing in the daily program exercise, movement, to avoid consuming toxic elements for our body. For many of us, the healthy way of life is hard or even impossible to achieve. But if the first signs of the condition occur, the tablets should be Prostafix can provide an effective solution.

Prostafix is a product, made of natural raw materials, composed of two types of capsules, one day, and another for the night, which, due to the effectiveness of the carefully chosen components, helps optimize the functioning of the prostate.

Due to the carefully selected natural compounds, Prostafix can substantially contribute to eliminating the inflammation of the prostate, diminishes the frequency of urinary sensations, the removal of urine becomes easier and the resolution of daily tasks does not undergo urgent interruptions. By the disappearance of prostate inflammation, the important daily urination, moreover, becomes a routine, auxiliary activity.

By consuming Prostaphyx day and night tablets, while reducing symptoms causing urination problems, helping to unlock urinary pathways, reducing pain and spasms caused by inflammation. Due to the anti-fat effect, urination is becoming more and more easy, more fluent. This is becoming routine again, as it was before prostate problems.

Prostafix contains day and night capsules, each strengthening and completing the effect of the other, combating prostate problems, and ensuring the health of the prostate.

Prostaphyx eliminates the need for frequent urination, eliminates the pain and cramps in the lower basin, intermittent, difficult urination, and permanent urination. Instead, you can enjoy the small daily joys of the uninterrupted performance of the tasks of daily activity, restoring your moral and physical balance.


  • Contributes to the release of urinals
  • Improves prostate function, and helps eliminate false feeling of urination
  • Prevents prostate enlargement and reduces already enlarged prostate volume
  • Improve perceptible sex life by eliminating discomfort and improving sexual functions
  • Recommended therapeutic product for both prostate and prostate problems when present


Method of administration:

2 capsules per day:

  • 1 day tablet, taken with a glass of plain water before breakfast. (from the box that says Day Formula, light blue)
  • 1 tablet of night, taken with a glass of plain water before dinner. (from the box that says Night Formula, dark blue)

Recenzije kupaca

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  • 1 Zvijezda

  • Herban Mihaela
    21 siječanj, 2021

    Am luat PROSTAFIX Forte pentru unchiul meu. Efectele , după cum mi-a spus, s-au simțit după câteva zile. M-am bucurat enorm mai ales când mi-a spus că îmi mulțumește pentru că acum poate dormi aproape toată noaptea. Și eu vă mulțumesc la rândul meu!

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