Blue UroHelp - natural supplement

Blue UroHelp - natural supplement

Prezz : 12,20 €

4.75 Reviżjonijiet

Efficient in urinary infections Restore flora, increase immunity Prevent relapse in repeated urinary infections

Informazzjoni dwar il-prodott

Global statistics state that Urinary infectionsare the most common infections, more common even than respiratory infections with coughing and expectoration.

One of the most common urinary infections is cystitis. Cystitis is an inflammation of the bladder, usually caused by an infection with either bacteria (most often of E- coli, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas, Proteus... staphylococci, enterococci) or Candida albicans fungus. The main signs of the condition are frequent urination associated with burning or pain.

Cystitis can affect both women and men. Most commonly, cystitis is found in women as it also has shorter urethra in men over 50 years of age. Cystitis can affect women at any age, and studies show that every woman will face cystitis at least once in her life.


Someone can have herurinary infection if it has some of the following symptoms:

  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • Need to urinate frequently and remove a small amount of urine
  • Sensitivity or weight in the lower abdomen
  • Disturbed, intensely coloured or smelly urine
  • Pain in one side, in the back under the rib cage
  • Chills and fever
  • Nausea and vomiting


  • Blue UroHelp composition:

Ingredients / capsule

Extract from 120 mg of macaws

Water extract from parsley leaves 100 mg

Dried extract from American apron - cranberry 90 mg

Dry extract from sage leaves - 22,5 mg

Premix Probiotics 20 mg

Lactobacillus Acidophilus - 15%, L rhamnosus - 35%, maize starch - 50%



Rose fruit is extremely rich in vitamin C but also in other vitamins such as provitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin PP, vitamin K and nicotinic acid. In addition to the vitamin rich content are rich in sugars, citric acid, pectin, tannin, copper, chromium, manganese, pectin, organic acids, essential oils. It has refreshing, antibacterial, regenerative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It helps to increase and strengthen the immune system, helps to quickly destroy bacteria. Through its diuretic effect prevents the formation of sand and kidney stones.



Strong antioxidant effect, general tonic and purifier of the body. Green parsley has an active effect on the tubing in the kidney, neutralizing and causing the elimination of uric acid-containing residues. Through the presence of a substance it contains, called apiol, it contributes to the concentration of urea, it stimulates renal activity. Parsley is an excellent diuretic, draining excess fluids from the body. It can be used with efficiency in treating kidney inflammation, inability to urinate, painful urination, pressure on the prostate, sand and kidney stones and other urinary imbalances. It is successfully used in leather, cystitis and nephritis. It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B and E, manganese, iron, phosphorus, potassium, iodine, chlorophyll and magnesium. Vitamin C content is four times that of orange, and iron content is higher than that of spinach. The chlorophyll contained helps detoxify the kidneys so they will work more efficiently, normalizing the basic acid balance. Along with the other active components of the butcher and Merişor PHul becomes unfavorable to the development of bacteria. Parsley improves the imbalances created in the body due to the consumption of antibiotics or contraceptives.



Cranberries are a source of vitamins C, B, A, mineral substances and nutrients: Like, Mg, K, having preventive role and improving the immune system throughout the body. The North American plant used for centuries to fight urinary infections. It proved its effectiveness in fighting urinary infections long before antibiotics. It contains a type of antioxidants called proanthocyanidins that act on the E- Coli bacterium, which is considered the main cause of urinary infections. The cranberry does not allow this bacteria to attach to the urinary tract, so this bacteria can be easily eliminated by urinating.



"Who has sage in the garden does not let old age approach" - says an old Chinese proverb. Greek and Romanian doctors - Galen, Plinius, Dioscride - eulogize and they also regard her as a queen of healing herbs with magical protective effects. In ancient Rome, salvation was considered a sacred plant, gathered with an entire ritual. Salvia comes from the Latin "rescue" -- to be healthy, to heal, to save. Contains a complex of vitamins, including vitamin A, B, vitamin C, minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc and sodium, being a true source of substances required by the body. The main terpenic acid containing sage is ursolic acid (15%) - has astringent and antiseptic action - which inhibits the development of E- Coli bacteria. Ursolic acid closes the ulceration and regenerates the tissues affected or destroyed by bacteria. Due to its antiseptic properties, salvation slows down the development of infectious agents, and its antioxidant virtues diminish inflammation.



Lactobacillus acidophilus, L.rhamnosus, maize starch (15: 35: 50)

Probiotics - Lactobacillus acidophilus and L.rhamnosus are living organisms that serve to balance and restore the intestinal flora destroyed as a result of repeated consumption of antibiotics. Probiotic cultures regenerate "friendly" bacteria that limit the action of harmful germs and help the body by strengthening the immune system.

Inside the human body there are 20 times more bacteria than living cells. There are beneficial bacteria such as probiotics (pro-life) and harmful or pathogenic bacteria that cause infections or produce toxic substances that lead to inflammation and disease. The role of beneficial bacteria is to keep the number of harmful bacteria under control, which is why it is very important to bring in a probiotic intake that benefits our health.


By its Blue UroHelp formula is also effective in repeated or resistant urinary infections.

Method of administration:

Product recommended for adults

2 capsules per day after the main meals of the day

Preventive or antibiotic consumption: 1 capsule per day after lunch


Other recommendations to avoid urinary infections:

  • Eat at least 2 litres of water daily for a good diuresis
  • Actual hygiene
  • Do not use pH acid products for intimate hygiene
  • Do not do frequent, repeated vaginal lavage
  • Wear underwear of natural materials (e.g. cotton)
  • Beware your kidneys of cold


Reviżjonijiet ta' xerrejja

4.75 minn 5
  • 5 Stilel
  • 4 Stilel
  • 3 Stilel
  • 2 Stilel
  • 1 Stilla

  • Vargatu Liliana
    17 Jannar, 2021

    Îl iubesc pentru ajutorul dat organismului meu, in infecțiile urinare,bacterii bune pt intestine, ajută rinichii fff mult și îi dau 10 cu plus💥💥💥!

  • Herban Mihaela
    21 Jannar, 2021

    Recomand Urocistinul cu toată încrederea. Mie mi-a asigurat și îmi asigură în continuare lunile de iarnă fără nici o răceală. Este super ok.

  • Jancso Vilmos
    31 Awwissu, 2022

    Recomand urocistinul in caz de infectii urinare. M-a ajutat foarte repede. In prima zi am luat 4 tablete. A doua zi am simtit ca sunt mult mai bine.

  • Puha Karolina Erika
    25 Jannar, 2023

    Produse naturiste foarte, foarte bune,consumam zilnic,mai ales eu ,recomand cu mare drag!!

  • Tolvai Rodica
    25 Jannar, 2023

    Urocistin este un antioxidant natural ajută la infecții urinare, cistită, incontinență urinară și pe mine ma scăpat de problema cu infecții urinare Recomand folosirea acestui produs minunat cu toată încrederea

  • Dilja Olga Ileana
    13 Mejju, 2023

    Pe mine pe ajutat acest supliment sa îmi rezolv o cistită cronică pe care o aveam de ani de zile. Acum nu mai am nici o problema. Dar consum pentru intretinere cate 1 cps pe zi. Recomand cu tot dragul!

  • Caisim Camelia
    18 Ġunju, 2023

    Recomand Blue urohelp cu încredere ajută la eradicarea infecției urinare. Prietenei mele , care a încercat toate produsele şi antibioticele indicate de Dr, i-a vindecat infecția urinară.

  • Elena Ilina
    22 Ġunju, 2023

    Un produs excepțional recomand cu drag 🙏🎊🎉

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