Organic Goji Juice 100% pure

Organic Goji Juice 100% pure

Prezz : 39,61 €

5 Reviżjonijiet

100% pure and fresh juice obtained from fruit of Goji, has energizing effect, easily noticeable Goji fruit takes first place in food hierarchy as an antioxidant concentration, which significantly reduces the effects of the ageing process

Informazzjoni dwar il-prodott

This plant has been spoken of for over 2000 years, since the Tang dynasty. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends it in chronic liver, kidney, diabetes, hypertension, Yin-Yang balance, etc. Goji fruitwere discovered and used to maintain health and slow aging in China, Tibet and India. Due to the effects of the antioxidants containing the fruits of Goji, several legends have circulated over time: about Tibetan monks drinking water from a well near which Goji grew and these fruits fell into the well and were healthy at the age of 80, the valleys in China and Tibet where Goji grows and the people there who live over 100, the legend of Li Ching-Yuen who is said to have lived 256 years and eat a plate of goji soup every morning.

It is not only the longevity of people who consume goji but also their excellent health at old age.

This juice / puree is obtained from ripe goji fruits, 100% organic pressed. The juice is ennobled with natural citric acid which alkalines it.

What does Goji contain?

- 18 amino acids that form a protein block and contain 8 substances necessary for life, such as isoleucine and tritofane.

- 21 microelements such as iron, magnesium, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and germanium - anti-carcinogen agent which is rarely found in food. It increases the ability of the body to produce g-interferon. Interferon is an important element that the body needs incancer fight. Goji's main constituent is Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharide - LBP. LBP studies help patients with cancer to reconstitute white blood cells, increasing phagocytes and phagocyte activity related to cancer cells, increasing the number of T-cells by a major factor. - more vitamin C than citrus; is the second in the world as vitamin C content - Vitamin A with antioxidant effect, an important role in improving vision; contains a complete range of carotenoid antioxidants, including beta- carotene and zeaxanthin. It has the largest source of carotenoids of all known foods. Beta-carotene is the best known nutrient for the retina. - vitamin E, which is very rarely found in fruit, strongly antioxidant, prevents the occurrence and evolution of atherosclerosis; - vitamins B1 (Thiamins), B2 (Riboflavin) and B6 - necessary for biochemical processes to transform food into energy; helps metabolism.

- is a very rich source of selenium (the only fruit containing selenium), increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy and reduces drug toxicity.

- 8 polysaccharides and 6 monosaccharides - 5 reckless fatty acids including linoleic acid, alpha- linolenic acid, beta- sitosterol acid and other phytosterols.

About antioxidants:

A measure of the anti-oxidant power of some plants, called ORAC (radical absorbance oxygen capacity = the absorption capacity of free oxygen radicals), has been established for a long time, depending on the amount of antioxidants that are contained in various plants. Antioxidants strengthen the immune system, permeable cell walls and attack free radicals before they damage the DNA of the cell core.

To keep himself in a full form of health but also to NO causes cancer, a man must daily introduce a quantity of vegetables into his body, which will ensure an optimal of > 5,000 ORAC units per day, but in the absence of significant pro-oxidative factors!!!

In special situations (degenerative diseases, acute diseases, cancer, lymphoma, leukaemias, AIDS), it is recommended to provide > 30,000 -50,000 ORAC units / day (or even more)!!!

25.300 points ORAC 100 grams goji fruit

This plant has been spoken of for over 2,000 years, since the Tang dynasty. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends it in chronic liver, kidney, diabetes, hypertension, Yin-Yang balance, etc.

  • It's strong antioxidant, strengthens the heart and immune system,reduces the effects of the aging process.
  • It stimulates the production and reproduction of blood cells as well as faster regeneration and healing of wounds.
  • It is a natural source of energy for the human body and the long term helpsincreased longevity.
  • It's energizing, slightly noticeable.

Recommendations for use:

It is recommended to consume 30 ml to 50 ml of juice per day, pure or mixed with fruit juice before breakfast.

Storage conditions:

Shake before use. Store in a dark and cool place and once opened, be refrigerated and consumed within 15 days.

Reviżjonijiet ta' xerrejja

5 minn 5
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  • 2 Stilel
  • 1 Stilla

  • Mihalache Dorina
    03 Mejju, 2020

    Daca vrei să rămâi intr- o formă maximă și de invidiat recomandam Goji !! Pentru o imunitate puternică este cel mai potrivit!

  • Birzaneanu Floarea
    24 Ġunju, 2023

    Recomand cu toată încrederea! Produs Premium!

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