Perlax - toothwhitening paste

Perlax - toothwhitening paste

Prezz : 6,45 €

5 Reviżjonijiet

Pasta of teeth with natural ingredients that provide rapid whitening of teeth and long-lasting freshness Fluorine-free formula without mint and menthol, being ideal for use during homeopathic treatments Natural propolis, northern lychenes and sage extract formula

Informazzjoni dwar il-prodott

Toothpaste with natural ingredients that offer rapid whitening of the teeth. It acts non-abrasive and provides long-lasting freshness. The mix of active ingredients protects against dental plaque formation and caries. Having a fluorine-free formula, without mint and menthol, it is ideal to be used during homeopathic treatments.



  • xylitol helps prevent the development of caries and promotes the remineralisation of small dental lesions. Recent studies show that xylitol inhibits the development of microorganisms that cause dental caries.
  • Natural extract of northern lichens with antibacterial activity helps to control the dental plaque.
  • Natural propolis extract with its excellent antimicrobial and antifungal properties makes it a very good prevention agent against plaque and dental caries.
  • Salvia is a plant traditionally linked to oral hygiene that provides antiseptic activity and strengthens gums.


Method of use:

Use twice a day as a regular toothpaste and brush for 60 seconds at least.



  • Fluorless formula, suitable for the whole family
  • Children under 6 will use a quantity of the size of a pea of toothpaste under the supervision of an adult.

Reviżjonijiet ta' xerrejja

5 minn 5
  • 5 Stilel
  • 4 Stilel
  • 3 Stilel
  • 2 Stilel
  • 1 Stilla

  • Cont Reziliat
    01 Ġunju, 2015

    foarte buna!

  • Herban Mihaela
    27 Jannar, 2021

    Folosesc aceasta pasta de dinți și o recomand!

  • Leca Georgeta Lucia
    10 Settembru, 2022

    De cand a intrat in portofoliul nostru, aceasta pasta de dinti nu ne lipseste din casa. O ador!!! Copiii - la fel!!! Nu imi mai sangereaza gingiile!!! Mi se curata tartrul fara sa vreau....Nu mi-a mai aparut nicio carie.....iar la varsta mea, stau destul de bine cu dantura!!! O recomand cu mult entuziasm!!!

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