Zeolit Mineral Detoxifying

Zeolit Mineral Detoxifying

Prezz : 55,00 €

5 Reviżjonijiet

It has a microporous structure composed of nanotubes with the ability to absorb and neutralize free radicals. It favours the elimination of toxins from the body, improves the energetic state at cell level and normalizes the electrostatic load of the cell membrane. Mineral zeolite reduces oxidative stress

Informazzjoni dwar il-prodott

The Zeolite, (boiling stone), has a microporous structure composed of nanotubes with the ability to absorb and neutralize free radicals, favors the removal of toxins from the body, improves the energetic state at cellular level (following transfer of free Zeolite-radical electrons) and normalizes the electrostatic charge of the cell membrane. Mineral has regulatory action of the blood pH level, has positive action on lymphocyte development and activation and stimulates the body's immune system. Mineral zeolite reduces oxidative stress

Method of administration:specialist recommendation

Recommendations:supplements containing zeolite are recommended in the treatment of patients suffering from certain diseases:

  • Gastrointestinal disorders: because it achieves normalization of gastric secretion and prevents spastic contractions and pain.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders: because it achieves normalization of gastric secretion and prevents spastic contractions and pain.
  • Cardiovascular system disorders: normalizes heart rate, blood pressure, normalizes blood cholesterol.
  • Central nervous system disorders: eliminate muscle tension and muscle spasms, reduce the risks of epileptic attacks, has positive action in case of early muscle dystrophy.
  • Liver and kidney disorders: it promotes normal liver and kidney function, reduces transaminases, bilirubin, urea and creatinine by improving metabolism and circulation.
  • Tumour disorders: During and after chemotherapy treatment, reduces the need for analgesic and narcotic, increases blood iron levels, promotes the recovery of red cells.

When you recommend ZEOLIT:

In the first instance, Zeolit is to be consumed first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and half an hour is not to be consumed anything else if we have the double dose is consumed in the evening.
Coffee, meat or other foods do not affect Zeolite's action or anything else in the body, have absolutely no connection.
There is a contraindication for Zeolite combined with other medicinal products.
Medicinal products that account for metals (such as antipsychotic or live organ implants) cannot be consumed with Zeolite, this is where we exclude Zeolite.
If someone has not sent you these recommendations, it is not our fault, we speak to them officially in any presentation.
The Zeolite is consumed 30 minutes before the meal and for half an hour nothing else is consumed.

In the case of healthy people, it is recommended to improve the quality of life: elimination of toxins, removal of oxidative stress, decrease of aging of cells and tissues, increase of physical and mental efficiency. In the case of athletes, reduce muscle fever.

Reviżjonijiet ta' xerrejja

5 minn 5
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  • Vilcu Elena Ruxandra
    07 Ġunju, 2020

    Recomand !zeolitul m-a ajutat în multe afecțiuni.

  • Radu Maria
    08 Jannar, 2016

    cand alimentati ,că avem nevoie de el dati sms

  • Suchea Georgeta
    23 Mejju, 2015

    Este un produs FOARTE BUN.O prietena ,a reusit sa se vindece de hepatita C,virusul ne mai fiind detectabil. A mai consumat si alte produse de sanatate de aici,dar baza a fost Zeolitul.

  • Micu Jana
    16 Jannar, 2021

    Cu acest zeolit mi-am reglat organismul prin programul de detoxifiere pe care il urmez . Recomand tuturor care isi doresc o echilibrare in organism.👍👍👍

  • Herban Mihaela
    17 Jannar, 2021

    Am consumat Zeolit si sunt foarte mulțumită. Pe lângă detoxifiere, m-a ajutat si la slăbit. Pe toată perioada cât am luat Zeolit, mi-am reglat și consumul de apă. Înainte beam foarte puțină. Recomand cu toata încrederea consumul de Zeolit.

  • Irimia Maria
    20 Jannar, 2022

    Ma simt foarte bine de când iau Zeolit. Recomand cu încredere acest produs.

  • Novacescu Traian
    12 Settembru, 2022

    Foarte bun detoxifiant.

  • Paraschiv Angelica
    27 Awwissu, 2022

    Recomand Zeolit , am dorit sa fac o Detoxifiere de primavara intr-un mod simplu si eficient dar care sa ma ajute sa-mi normalizez si secretia gastrica . Ce beneficii am avut? multeee.....am slabit atat cat era necesar, am eliminat toxine si metale grele, de atunci eu nu am mai avut probleme cu stomacul + ca sistemul meu imunitar a fost imbunatatit considerabil tinand cont ca eu sunt anemica. In acelasi timp am simtit cum somnul meu s-a imbunatatit si dimineata ma trezeam cu usurinta si aveam bateriile incarcate 100% .....nu ma mai trezisem cu chef de viata dimineata de foarte mult timp dar Zeolit clar a lucrat bine si din acest motiv in luna Septembrie intentionez sa mai fac o detoxifiere pentru a ma pregati de sezonul rece si "provocarile" in sanatate care vin odata cu el.

  • Leca Georgeta Lucia
    10 Settembru, 2022

    Am consumat si consum Zeolit impreuna cu cei doi copii, este extrem de benefic atat in detoxifiere cat si in eliminarea metalelor grele - si mie si fiilor mei ni s-au reglat parametrii in raportul metalelor grele foarte vizibil - Quantum ne spune asta, iar partenerii indrumati sa consume au avut rezultate remarcabile: o fosta colega cu Hepatita B+D a urmat schema recomandata, virusul hepatitei nu a mai fost detectabil, dupa care a nascut si o fetita perfect sanatoasa. Exemple sunt mai multe, dar Zeolit este minunat!!!

  • Cazacu Tamara Fanica
    26 Awwissu, 2022

    Recomand ma ajutat foarte mult și e foarte bun

  • Enache Lidia
    31 Marzu, 2023

    Mulțumesc pt.produsele minunate pe care le-a adus Compania Bluediamond !

  • Miron Nadejda
    21 Ġunju, 2023

    Sunt foarte,forte multumita eu si familia mea.Consumam zilnic,avem mai mult de 6 luni,si recomand cu incredere.Face minuni,da puteri si incredere in mine.

  • Micu Jana
    31 Lulju, 2023

    Acest produs m-a ajutat și înca mă ajută să mă detoxific ,să îmi reglez întregul organism pe interior deoarece frumusetea exterioară este reflectată de catre starea interioară pe care organismul nostru o are. Recomand cu toată încrederea acest minunat produs ROMÂNESC !

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