Vegetable oil INCA INCHI rich in Omega 3 - 100% pure

Vegetable oil INCA INCHI rich in Omega 3 - 100% pure

Prezz : 48,51 €

5 Reviżjonijiet

Cold pressed oil 100% pure - without further additions Organic certificate Omega 3 vegetable and vegan source

Informazzjoni dwar il-prodott

  • The only oil still inches from the Romanian market that can be consumed internally and externally
  • Most stable vegetable oil
  • Cholesterol and triglycerides decrease
  • Cardiovascular protector reduces risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Important role in transporting toxins from blood
  • Stimulate memory and logic
  • It prevents neural degradation, neutralizing effect of free radicals
  • Adjuvant in diabetes and glycaemic control
  • Improve attention deficit in ADHD children
  • Maintain and play skin beauty and elasticity
  • It helps reduce inflammation, improves osteoporosis and joint diseases
  • Prevent and reduce symptoms of depression

Inei Inchi Oil is obtained from seeds of Sacha Inchi (Plukenetia Volubilis)A tropical forest plant in the Andes region in South America, especially Peru. The Amazon jungle Indians have been using this oil for thousands of years, ever since the Incas, hence the name "Inca Peanuts."

Compared to other vegetable oils, Inca Inchi oil is famous for its rich content of fatty acids. Contains 48% Omega 3 (50 times more than soya oil), 37% Omega 6 and 8% Omega 9. Also contains vitamin A and E and is an excellent source iodine. According to a study conducted by the Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition in USA in July 2006, Inca Inchi oil is a very powerful antioxidant.

The large Omega 3 content acts on the good functioning of the nervous system, has general tonic effect, beneficial to memory health, increased concentration capacity, attenuation of depression, sadness, anxiety, agitation, mental fatigue, stress and other nervous disorders.

The ratio of fatty acids contained in this oil is very beneficial: saturated fatty acids 7%, mononesatated fatty acids 9% and polyunsaturated fatty acids 84%. Studies show that adequate intake of polyunsaturated fats (polyunsaturated fatty acids) improves the level of good cholesterol and reduces the risk of heart disease. Polyunsaturated fatty acids can help prevent type 2 diabetes.

Countless tests have highlighted the increase in short-term memory, learning capacity, concentration power and response capacity, highlighting a clear correlation between these performance and the concentration of Omega 3 essential acids in the blood. Improvement in ADHD symptoms (attention deficiency syndrome and hyperactivity) has been observed.

Research at Imperial College London, on children aged 8-13, has led to amazing results in terms of exponential development of learning and concentration capacities following the administration of Omega 3 fatty acids, while children are encouraged to reduce the consumption of unhealthy foods and carbonated drinks and exercise. At the end of the three-month experiment there was evidence of a brain development corresponding to a period of three years. Children and adolescents in periods of maximum physical and mental demand may benefit from an addition of vitality and increased concentration by the intake of Omega 3 into their diet.

Due to the anti-inflammatory effect, stress protection, excess energy and immunity offered, Omega 3 is also indispensable for athletes, but also for all people who are doing sustained physical and intellectual effort.

Omega3 fatty acids can maintain healthy cholesterol levels in the blood, triglycerides and very low density of lipoproteins, each of which were associated with cardiovascular health. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids can also provide other benefits, such as calming the inflammation associated with joint overload.

Omega 3 helps to absorb and quickly burn fats and thus remove cellulite. Omega 3 fatty acid is recommended for the prevention of some diseases such as Crohn, Alzheimer's, bronchitis, asthma, colon cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer or cirrhosis. Omega 3 also acts beneficial on fertility, depression, blood circulation, various forms of dermatitis or dermatosis, rickets, rheumatism, osteoporosis, spasmophilia or varicose veins.

Externally used this oil is a real elixir for skin and hair, reconstitute and repair skin and hair. Still Inchi Oil has a strong anti-aging effect, protects against free radicals. Restore the protective layer of the skin and provide intense hydration. The fine and dry texture of this oil is also suitable for fatty skin.



  2. 15 ml per day. It can be consumed as such - 1 teaspoon each with 15 minutes before the main meals in the morning, noon and evening, or in salads or meals. For example, it can be used when dressing in salads.
  4. It can be applied to hair, allow to act for a minimum of 30 minutes then you can wash hair with products according to the type of hair. Ideal is to stay with this oil overnight and then wash your hair. It can be applied to the pre-cleaned skin: some slightly stretched drops with the fingers for moisturizing effect, protection and feeding.



Attention! Do not fry, warm, do not use in the preparation by heating of foods. After opening keep the bottle in a safe place from light, cool and dry. To be consumed preferably within 1 month of opening.

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  • Herban Mihaela
    21 Jannar, 2021

    Folosesc uleiul Inca Inchi mai mult că mască pentru ten și păr. Dar căteodata îl și consum, câte o lingurotă dimineața, pentru beneficiile pe care le are și la consumul intern. Îl recomand cu drag!

  • Condorovici Rodica Claudia
    16 Jannar, 2021

    Uleiul vegetal INCA INCHI cu o mare concentratie de omega 3 este foarte benefic pentru stimularea memoriei si a logicii , benefic in durerile articulare , cu multe beneficii pentru piele si par , singurul ulei de pe piata care nu rancezeste nicioadata !!! il folosesc si il recomand cu mare incredere !!!

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